Inter-Ministerial Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Primary Healthcare Financing and Service Delivery in Africa -Kenya

August 8, 2023

Promoting Results and Outcomes through Policy and Economic Levers (PROPEL) Health Project  under funding from USAID is organizing a collaborative platform for inter-ministerial dialogue between National Treasury and Economic Planning and Ministry of Health in Kenya. PROPEL Health aims to improve the enabling environment for equitable and sustainable health services, supplies, and delivery systems through: (1) policy development and implementation, (2) adequate, predictable, and sustainable health financing, (3) enhanced government stewardship, transparency, and accountability, and (4) use of evidence-based advocacy approaches at global, national, and subnational levels to promote best practices. It focuses on family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), primary healthcare, and the integration of FP/RH with HIV and maternal and child health (MCH). The broad objectives of PROPEL Health are being implemented by Palladium in collaboration with African Economic Research Consortium, Avenir Health, Population Reference Bureau, RTI International, Samasha Medical Foundation, and the White Ribbon Alliance.

Under the PROPEL Health objectives 1,2 and 3, the implementing partner recognizes that the inter-minister policy dialogue is essential to improve health finance performance to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). The focus of the policy dialogues to strengthen PHC financing and health outcomes is to raise awareness on the need for adequate, predictable, efficient, and sustainable finance of primary care as the best mechanism to improve health outcomes. Inter- Ministerial Policy platform enhances collaboration, synergy, and alignment of resources. The Policy Dialogue are envisaged to increase the effectiveness of both ministries in identifying challenges in resource planning and budgeting and facilitate agreements to expedite the release of allocated funds, track utilization, and enhance efficiency, accountability, and transparency of PHC spending over the budget cycle at the national and subnational levels. The expected outcome of the policy dialogues is to facilitate co-creation and launch of a collaborative framework between the Ministry of National Treasury and Economic Planning and the Ministry of Health to strengthen PHC financing and health service delivery. This is expected to propel better health outcomes in an efficient and effective resource allocation and spending space in the health sector.

PROPEL Health has organized two sessions for Inter-Ministerial Policy Dialogues that will be held in the month of August in Kenya.

1.     Consultative Inter-Ministerial Policy Dialogue on Preliminary Findings on Status of Health Financing and Service Delivery in Kenya – 14-15, August 2023.

2.     Validation Inter-Ministerial Policy Dialogue on Report on Health Financing and Service Delivery Review and Draft Collaborative Framework PHC – 30-31, August 2023.

The policy dialogue meetings will be attended by senior government staff from the State Departments of National Treasury, Economic Planning, Medical Services and Public Health and Professional Standards from Government of Kenya. The policy dialogue will generate evidence and policy actions to improve health outcomes and service delivery in Kenya.


African Economic Research Consortium
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