Senior Policy Seminar (SPS)

AERC Senior Policy Seminars

African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) holds a Senior Policy Seminar annually. This conference is hosted by AERC and sometimes jointly with a partner. AERC convenes this forum to provide high level African policy makers the opportunity to come together to dialogue on the results of research conducted by AERC and its affiliates, exchange policy experiences and interact with the researchers in an atmosphere of peers. The themes of these seminars are selected on the basis of topicality and contemporary interest to African policy making.

AERC Senior policy seminars provide an opportunity for policy makers and researchers to engage in uninterrupted deliberations on a set of important issues considered significant to policy making in Africa. The seminar format insulates the policy makers from pressures related to their responsibilities, and thus, creates an environment for lively professional discourse on the selected issue. Aside from the specific aims of bringing researchers and policy makers together, the seminars are directly useful to AERC because they help identify research imperatives crucial to transforming Africa.  They also improve prospects for policy involvement of the researchers and enhance AERC’s visibility in the policy community. Thus, serving to highlight the growing capacity in the region for policy research and, on the whole, provide important feedback to AERC for its research and training programs.

Exchange of country-specific experiences is particularly important in these seminars. The policy makers are normally identified for their interest in policy research issues and the level of seniority of the policy makers is generally right, leading to detailed discussions. Researchers are reasonably well balanced between Anglophone and Francophone, and attendance by Francophone policy makers is always encouraged.


Policy makers report that they have found their experiences in the seminars very useful. The information exchanged helps them update their knowledge on current research and sieve out issues that are relevant to their duties. Some have even been embarrassed to find that during negotiations with international financial institutions, they have agreed to certain policies without understanding the full implications of the policy package. Seminars of this kind, while not intended or able to make the policy maker an economist, nevertheless afford the opportunity of considering the wider ramifications of their policy decisions.


General Senior Policy Seminar Objectives and Outputs

The seminars have four aims:

–  To identify key priorities for future policy-oriented research in sub-Saharan Africa.

–  To provide an opportunity for policy makers and researchers to exchange experiences and views.

–  To highlight the growing capacity in the region for policy research on these issues.

–  To improve prospects for cooperative policy research between policy makers and researchers.


These are achieved in four ways:

–  By synthesizing and disseminating the results of the latest international (particularly AERC-funded) research in a format suitable for senior policy makers.

–  By generating interaction between policy makers and AERC funded researchers on results.

–  By encouraging sharing of experiences among policy makers on the lessons and details of macroeconomic policies oriented towards poverty reduction.

–  By receiving feedback from policy makers on key current research issues.


The concrete outputs of the seminars are expected to be:

– Major input into AERC’s policy research agenda, through suggestions for key issues.

– Ideas for structures and methods to promote collaboration among policy makers and researchers, both within individual countries and across the continent.

–  Wider dissemination of AERC outputs to policy makers, and ideas for improving future dissemination to them.

–  Proposals for follow-up through similar, research projects or other activities.

AERC researchers present syntheses of research results on the seminar theme and nominated policy makers participating in the seminars act as discussants, one for each paper that is presented. The presentations are followed by a floor discussion in which the policy makers share experiences and express their views on key issues for future policy research. Each session is usually chaired by a senior policy maker, usually with experience in the thematic area. A public/private sector policy roundtable then winds up the activities for the day.

Themes of Previous AERC Senior Policy Seminars

Theme Dates Venue Participants
1. Economic Research and Policy Making in Sub-Saharan Africa March 1995 Nairobi, Kenya 40
2. Financial Sector Reforms, Domestic Resource Mobilization, and Investment in Africa November 1996 Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivoire 48
3. Fiscal Policy in Africa October 1997 Accra, Ghana 52
4. Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa February 2000 Gaborone, Botswana 56
5. Macroeconomic Policy and Poverty Reduction in Africa February 2002 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 60
6. Financing Pro-Poor Growth in Africa March 2004 Kampala, Uganda 63
7. Poverty, Growth, and Institutions March 2005 Cape Town, South Africa 66
8. Governance and Pro-poor Growth in sub-Saharan Africa March 2006 Dakar, Senegal 72
9. Managing Commodity Booms in Sub-Saharan Africa February 2007 Yaoundé, Cameroon 78
10.  Climate Change and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa April 2008 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 80
11. The Global Financial Crisis and Its Implications for the African Economies April 2009 Lusaka, Zambia 92
12. Bank Regulatory Reforms in Africa: Enhancing Bank Competition and Intermediation Efficiency March 2010 Mombasa, Kenya 72
13. Natural Resource Management in sub-Saharan Africa March 2011 Maputo, Mozambique 103
(a) Health, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa

(b) Challenges Associated with the   Development of Oil Sector in Uganda (Special Policy Seminar)

March 2012

February 2012

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kampala, Uganda



14. Youth and Unemployment in Africa March 2013 Kigali, Rwanda 113
15. Capital Flight from Africa April 2014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 101
16. Agriculture in Africa’s Transformation: The Role of Smallholder Farmers March 2015 Maputo, Mozambique 102
17. Financial Inclusion in Africa March 2016 Nairobi, Kenya 100
18. Industrialization in Africa March 2017 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire 121
19. Rethinking Regional Integration in Africa March 2018 Kampala, Uganda 122
20.   Fragility of Growth in African Economies March, 2019 Harare, Zimbabwe 143
21.  Agriculture and Food Policies for Better Nutrition Outcomes in Africa March, 2020 Abuja, Nigeria 117
22.  The Global COVID-19 Health Pandemic and Its Implications for the African Economies March, 2021 Virtual 307
23.  Climate Change and Economic Development in Africa March, 2022 Virtual 397
24.  Human Capital and Economic Development in Africa March, 2023 Hybrid 598



African Economic Research Consortium
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