1.0 Introduction

African  Economic   Research Consortium  is a premier capacity building institution  in Africa  established  in 1988.  The  main areas  of  capacity building  include  research, training, and  policy outreach. The  research component  has two tracks:  thematic and  collaborative research programmes.  Thematic  research has to date had  over 4,500 researchers  participating  from 41  countries  in Africa. The  pinnacle  of  thematic  research is  the  Biannual Research Workshop held  in June and  December  annually. Many of its researchers benefited from the research grant and unique mentoring by internationally renowned Resource Persons. With renewed emphasis on publication in top tier economics journals, generous mentoring opportunities as well as rigorous selection process. The Biannual  Research Workshop brings  together  brings  together  about 200 AERC-Supported  researchers  and  policy makers  across the continent  and  university professors(resource persons) from Africa and  the  rest of  the  world.

The AERC thematic research programme has evolved over time as the primary focus for capacity building in policy-oriented economic research for early career African researchers. It involves conceptualization, framing, design, and analysis of key economic research questions of relevance to policy making in Africa. The thematic research programme uses a unique framework combining learning-by-doing by researchers, peer review, mentoring and networking through the biannual research workshop, with skills improvement through technical workshops and visiting scholars’ programmes.

AERC hereby calls for research proposals to undertake research in the following five thematic areas:

Group A: Poverty, labor markets and income distribution.

Group B: Macroeconomic policy and growth.

Group C: Finance and resource mobilization.

Group D:  Production, trade, and economic integration.

Group E: Agriculture, climate change and natural resource management.

The thematic Research modality provides for grants to individuals/teams from both academia and policy institutions to conduct research related to the designated themes.

Applicants should meet the following requirements:

  1. Applicants are nationals of Africa, and their research needs to focus on sub-Saharan Africa; and
  2. Those sending applications should be holders of Master’s or PhD.

iii. Proposals that exceed 3,500 words count will be rejected automatically.

  1. All submitted proposal should meet AERC proposal submission guideline Proposal Writing – AERC ( see the details).


‘Women are  encouraged  to participate.’

 Login – AERC RMS ( to login/register on the AERC Research Management System (RMS) to submit your proposal.

African Economic Research Consortium
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3rd Floor, Middle East Bank Towers Building, Jakaya Kikwete Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 (0) 202734150
+254 (0) 722 205272
Fax: (254-2) 219308

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