Mission Report for Dissemination in Central African Republic
April 24, 2023AERC has been implementing a Collaborative Project at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on Inclusive Finance for Fragile and Post Conflict States dedicated to post-conflict countries. This program focuses on the issue of financial inclusion in Africa, targeting nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to AERC’s research program management policy, authors should organize national research report dissemination workshops.
AERC, in collaboration with the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Analyses et Politiques Economiques (CERAPE), organized a dissemination workshop to inform policy on Africa’s inclusive growth and realization of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development (SDGs).
The meeting took place in hybrid format on 14 April 2023 at the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) in Bangui, Central African Republic, to disseminate the research findings of the research report entitled “Determinants of Financial Exclusion in CAR” that was presented by Dr. Nerry Mbala.
To open the meeting was Mr. Jean Kokide, the Director of Cabinet of the Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, who delivered the keynote speech and highlighted the importance of AERC in capacity building and institutional support in sub-Saharan Africa.
The meeting brought together diverse partners, including policy makers, academicians, financial institutions, among other stakeholders; with a total attendance of 37 people (29 male and 8 female).
The AERC leadership was represented by Dr. Mark Korir, Training Manager, who gave a brief on AERC. While in Bangui, the AERC team met with part of the CERAPE-RCA team for an institutional evaluation and pre-workshop briefing. The AERC team later visited the CERAPE-RCA’s office and handed over some AERC publications for CERAPE-RCA’s library.