Philipp Krause

Dr. Philipp Krause is the Head of Technical at CABRI. Prior to this, he was a senior advisor in the Gates Foundation’s Africa Office, after serving as Deputy Director for Country Finance for several years. Philipp led the Foundation’s portfolio of work to strengthen public finance in priority countries, as well as its global policy engagement on issues ranging from DRM to fiscal policy and PFM.

Between 2012 and 2016, Philipp built and led the public finance team at the Overseas Development Institute. He previously worked on public finance issues for the World Bank and for Germany’s technical assistance agency GIZ, as well as Mexico’s Social Development Ministry. He has advised more than 25 governments worldwide on strengthening public management, budgeting, and fiscal governance. He has held visiting scholar positions at NYU, the German Development Institute and the University of Maryland; and is an executive education faculty member of the Harvard Kennedy School. He holds an MA from the University of Potsdam and a PhD from the London School of Economics.

African Economic Research Consortium
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