Bernadette Dia Kamgnia
Bernadette DIA KAMGNIA is currently an International Consultant and Researcher at the Economic Policy Analysis Unit of the CIRES, Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire. From 20 November 2014 to 31 January 2017, she served as the Acting Director of the African Development Institute of the African Development Bank, having joined the Bank on 29 November 2011, as the Manager of the Policy Management Division of the Institute.
In her capacity as Acting Director, Bernadette DIA KAMGNIA led a Team of experts to mainstream capacity development in Bank operations. Beyond her contribution in resources mobilization and management since she joined the Bank, she launched the preparation of the Bank Group’s New Capacity Development Strategy for the period 2015 – 2020. The implementation of that strategy is based on a keenly selected set of capacity development activities that map the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy, combining, training, technical assistance and organization of Bank flagship conferences including the Bank’s Annual Meetings, Eminent Speakers Series and KOAFEC Ministerial Conferences, along with partnerships for capacity development, institutional networking on capacity development and e-learning which are coordinated for an efficient implementation of the Strategy.
Under her supervision, the Division of Policy Management run a network of top Think Tanks working on the development of Africa, for policy dialogue. Beyond the implementation of the Joint Partnership for Africa (JPA) with the IMF, the Division developed partnerships with a number of universities in the delivery of its work program, including University of Kenya, University of Makerere in Uganda, University of Namibia, University of Ghana, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, University Felix Houphouet Boigny of Cote d’Ivoire, University of Marseille Aix-en-Provence, and University of Massachusetts.