The CMAAE is a full-time course study with the first two semesters comprising core courses taught at the accredited university offering the degree. Upon successful completion of the core courses, all students assemble at the Shared Facility for Specialization and Electives (SFSE) – now virtual since the advent of the COVID19 pandemic- to study elective courses and engage in thesis development in the third semester. The students then return to their host universities to complete thesis research and graduate. Upon graduation, the alumni are further engaged in dissemination and internship activities when resources allow.

The Course Structure

  • Semester I and II Core courses taught at the degree-awarding institution in the first year for a period of 9 – 12 months.
  • Semester III Elective courses intensively taught by African scholars and leading international experts for a period of 16 weeks at the CMAAE Shared Facility for Specialization and Electives (SFSE).
  • Semester IV Thesis Writing at the respective degree awarding institutions for a period of 9 months in the second year of studies after completion of core and elective courses.
  • Post-graduation, the alumni are supported to share their thesis research findings in national thesis dissemination workshops, where farmers, mid-level policy makers, and development partners, among others, participate for dialogue and discussion of the implications of the research outputs.
  • The graduates are also supported to undergo an internship programme at reputable institutions for induction into the work environment of agricultural policy research, policy formulation and implementation.

CMAAE Core Courses

Microeconomics Econometrics
Mathematics for Economists Macroeconomics
Production Economics Institutional and Behavioural Economics
Research Methods in Agricultural and Applied Economics

CMAAE Elective Courses

The CMAAE programme has a rich menu of 20 elective courses spread over four cluster or specialization areas, namely Agribusiness Management, Agricultural and Rural Development, Agricultural Policy and Trade, and Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Each of the specialization areas has a foundation course, one or two common courses and three to four elective courses as presented below.

Foundation Courses
Agribusiness Management Agricultural Policy Analysis
Agricultural and Rural Development Environmental Valuation and Policy
Common Courses  
Agricultural Finance and Risk Management Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis
International Agricultural Trade and Policy Natural Resource Economics and Management
Operations Research in Agribusiness Management Microfinance, Financial Inclusion and Small Enterprise Development
Elective Courses  
Agribusiness Marketing Management Agricultural Project Planning and Management
Agribusiness Supply Chain Management Economics of Climate Change
Agricultural Science and Technology Policy Analysis Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Farming Systems and Sustainable Livelihood Analysis Food Security and Nutrition Policy Analysis
Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis Gender and Economic Development

A total of 17 public universities in 13 Eastern, Central and Southern African countries participate

in CMAAE. These universities are classified into two categories, category A and category B. Students in category A universities enroll for CMAAE studies in any of the 8 category B universities that are accredited to offer core courses and supervise theses research. The students in category B universities then jointly undertake elective courses at the Shared Facility for Specialization and Electives (SFSE) for a period of four months upon completion of their core courses. Apart from admitting and issuing degrees, the CMAAE non-accredited departments participate in all other programme activities including faculty research, faculty retooling, Academic Advisory Boards, and curriculum reviews, among others.

Application for Admission and Scholarships

Call for CMAAE scholarship applications are posted on the AERC website in February each year. An applicant must have an admission letter from a CMAAE-accredited (Category B) University whose contact details are below. To enable cost effectiveness of scholarship awards, nationals with CMAAE-accredited universities in their countries are required to apply for admission to those universities. However, nationals who don’t have CMAAE-accredited universities are encouraged to apply to an accredited University of their choice.

Contacts of CMAAE Admitting Universities

Chair, Department of Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness Management
Egerton University
Njoro, KENYA
Prof. Hillary K. Bett: and
University website: Egerton University
Head, School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Haramaya University
Dr. Sime Shiferaw:
University website: | Haramaya University
 Head, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
Dr. Horace Phiri:
University website: LUANAR
Head, Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics
Makerere University
Kampala, UGANDA
Dr. Rosemary Isoto:
University Website: Makerere University | We Build for the Future
Head, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
Morogoro, TANZANIA
Dr. Fulgence Mishili:
University Website: Sokoine University
Head, Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Nairobi,
Nairobi, KENYA
Prof. Jonathan Nzuma:
University website: University of Nairobi | Committed to Scholarly Excellence (
Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension & Rural Development
University of Pretoria
Prof. Wale Edilegnaw Zegeye:
University website:UP | University of Pretoria
Head, Department of Agricultural Business Development and Economics
University of Zimbabwe
Dr. Edward Mutandwa and
University website: UZ | University of Zimbabwe
University of eSwatini
Kwaluseni, eSwatini
Dr. Sotja Graham Dlamini:
University Website: eSwatini
Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Prof. Andre Jooste:
University Website: Stellenbosch University

To qualify, candidates must:

  1. Have applied and been admitted to any one of the CMAAE-accredited (category B) universities listed above and obtained an admission letter;
  2. Have attained at least a Second-Class Honours (Upper Division) or equivalent in Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness management or related field from a recognized university; and
  3. Female and applicants from post-conflict and fragile states are highly encouraged to apply.

Applications for admission to the CMAAE programme should be sent directly to the degree-awarding universities whose website links and addresses are provided above.

Upon receipt of an admission letter, the scholarship application can be made. Visit

  1. BSc. certificate and transcripts
  2. Admission letter
  3. CV
  4. Cover letter

A total of 17 public universities in 13 Eastern, Central and Southern African countries participate in CMAAE. These universities are classified into two categories, category A and category B. Students in category A universities enroll for CMAAE studies in any of the 8 category B universities that are accredited to offer core courses and supervise theses research. The students in category B universities then jointly undertake elective courses at the Shared Facility for Specialization and Electives (SFSE) for a period of four months upon completion of their core courses. Apart from admitting and issuing degrees, the CMAAE non-accredited departments participate in all other programme activities including faculty research, faculty retooling, Academic Advisory Boards, and curriculum reviews, among others.

Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) Participating Universities

Category A (Non-Accredited)

  • Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
  • Moi University, Kenya
  • University of Juba, South Sudan
  • University of Rwanda
  • University of Zambia

Category B (Accredited) 

  • Egerton University, Kenya
  • Haramaya University, Ethiopia
  • Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Malawi
  • Makerere University, Uganda
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
  • University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • University of Zimbabwe
  • University of Eswatini
  • University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
African Economic Research Consortium
Get in touch

3rd Floor, Middle East Bank Towers Building, Jakaya Kikwete Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 (0) 202734150
+254 (0) 722 205272

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