1. AERC Institutional Attachment Programme

The programme provides researchers with an opportunity to work on specified research topics with a view of publishing or proceeding with work-in-progress or final report while benefiting from the facilities of the institution to which they are attached. Through interaction with leading scholars and others in their area of research, the researchers are exposed to international networks of accomplished researchers, which in turn help them to build new networks as it builds their skills.

2. The AERC/IMF Visiting Scholars Programme

The AERC/IMF Visiting Scholars Programme, which started in May 1994, makes it possible for AERC researchers to access the excellent facilities and staff of the Fund, thereby facilitating the achievement of AERC’s mission of strengthening and helping retain local capacity for research and policy analysis in sub Saharan African countries.Participation in the programme is based on an open competition managed jointly by the AERC Secretariat and the IMF. Selection is based on the following criteria:

Judgement on which economists and projects would benefit most from participation in the programme, taking into account factors such as gender, geographic and linguistic distribution; and availability of relevant expertise in the IMF Research Department and the IMF’s interest in the research topic.

All active AERC researchers involved in thematic research are eligible to compete in this programme and to submit a short proposal (maximum three pages) that describes the proposed AERC-supported research to be undertaken during the attachment. Applicants must also submit their curriculum vitae.

3. The AERC/JAE Scholars Programme

The AERC/Journal of African Economies Visiting Scholars Programme enables network members who recently completed an AERC-supported research project to visit the University of Oxford for the purpose of distilling a publishable journal article from their research reports.

While at Oxford, they participate in academic and research activities at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) and present their research output in a seminar. The selection of shortlisted applicants is normally done by the University of Oxford.

Other Visiting Scholars Programmes

Other visiting scholars’ programs include:

  • AERC_UNU-WIDER Visiting Scholars programme
  • AERC/AFDB Visiting scholars Programme
  • AERC/NYU Nyansapo series in Ghana
  • AERC/NYU Abu Dhabi Conference Visiting Scholars Programmes
African Economic Research Consortium
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