Applied Quantitative Analysis Webinar Series
February 6, 2024The American Institutes for Research (AIR) Pipeline Partnership program (P3-Africa), in collaboration with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is pleased to announce a webinar series on applied quantitative analysis for graduate students in Economics and related disciplines at African universities. The webinar series will be led by Dr. Sudhanshu Handa, Institute Fellow at AIR and Professor of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina, USA, with occasional guest lectures by specialists in the field. The list of topics and schedule is provided below, each webinar will start at 4PM EAT. For each topic, an initial session will introduce the theory and a subsequent session will provide an application with data. Registration is free and open to all current graduate students attending an African university. To register, please follow this link: https://air-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MJ5UevG-RESBb-iWtEOdmQ Students may attend as many webinars as they like.
Date | Topic |
February 29 March 7 |
Session One Potential Outcomes and Omitted Variable Bias I (Theory) Potential Outcomes and Omitted Variable Bias II (Application) |
March 21 March 28 |
Session Two Difference-in-differences I (Theory) Difference-in-differences II (Application) |
April 25 May 2 |
Session Three Power analysis, clustering and sample size calculations I (Theory) Power analysis, clustering and sample size calculations II (Application) |
May 23 May 30 |
Session Four Fixed-effects I (Theory) Fixed-effects II (Application) |
June 20 June 27 |
Session Five Instrumental variables I (Theory) Instrumental Variables II (Application) |
July 25 August 1 |
Session Six Lagged dependent variables and the Arellano-Bond Estimator I (Theory) Lagged dependent variables and the Arellano-Bond Estimator II (Application) |