African Union 4th Mid-Year Coordination Summit.

July 12, 2022

On 11th July 2022, AERC attended a panel discussion on Time poverty: Unpaid care and domestic work impact on food production, nutrition, and women Economic Empowerment organized by OXFAM in partnership with Gender is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia.

The panel discussion was part of the 4th Hybrid strategic engagement with AU, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Partners under the theme: Advancing Women’s Access to Economic Resources to Build Our Continent’s Resilience in Nutrition.

The platform provided a platform to highlight the contributions of women and girls in ending hunger and malnutrition, supporting socio-economic development, and gaps in the strategic engagement of women and girls in the advancement of socio-economic development.

African Economic Research Consortium
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