AERC Evaluation Report June 2024

March 29, 2025

This evaluation report reviews changes in the external environment confronting the AERC and the objectives, programmes, structure, and capabilities of the AERC with a view to inform reflection on the strategic direction of the AERC looking forward. The goal is to help sharpen the choices confronting the AERC in defining its vision and priorities, the strategy for realizing its goals, and the organization of its activities by providing a menu of options that can be considered to enhance the value proposition the AERC offers to its stakeholders—individual researchers, partner universities, and African governments. These options have a common denominator: making the AERC the regional leader for conducting independent, rigorous inquiry into problems pertinent to policy challenges confronting African economies, and ‘connecting’ research to African policymakers by leveraging its greatest asset; its extensive network of graduates and researchers that have benefitted from its programmes and participated in its activities.

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African Economic Research Consortium
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