AERC Strategic Plan 2025-2035: Re-engineering Economic Research and Capacity Building in Africa

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Strategic Plan

The AERC Strategic Plan 2020–2025 is grounded in Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) to promote, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all; as well as visionary ideals emerging both at the national and continental level.

Improve Quality

Ensure Sustainability

Expand Influence


Our Reach and Influence

Kenya at a glance

CMAP 365, CMAAE 412, CPP 96, CPP / JFE 90
Academic offering : Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) in Economics – University of Nairobi, Egerton University,Kenyatta University and Moi University, Collaborative PHD Programme (CPP) in Economics – University of Nairobi, Kenya (Eastern Africa), Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) – University of Nairobi and Egerton University

Key: Collaborative Master's Programme (CMAP), Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE), Collaborative PhD Programme (CPP), Joint Facility for Electives (JFE)

Latest News

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AERC Strategic Plan 2025-2035: Re-engineering Economic Research and Capacity Building in Africa

AERC Strategic Plan 2025-2035: Re-engineering of Economics Training in Africa

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AERC Biannual Plenary Session

AERC Hosts Inaugural Fellows Induction Dinner

African Economic Research Consortium
Get in touch

3rd Floor, Middle East Bank Towers Building, Jakaya Kikwete Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 (0) 202734150
+254 (0) 722 205272

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